Biyernes, Marso 4, 2016

If I should have a boyfriend

If I should have a boyfriend he must understand that I am a simple girl like a book. He should not judge me by my appearance but he must know me deep inside and he will see the real me. I was raised by my parents with good attitude and with respect to other people around me. I have this simple goal in life to finish my studies and made my parents proud of me. Every chapter of my life, trials and struggles is always there but surrendering and giving up was never my solution. I fight and continue to be strong and brave enough to face it. I have the most perfect parents who mold me to become the person I am right now. I have a mother that is like a pair of my shoes. She is the pair of my shoes that I need to completely wear all the time, her teachings and her hardships through all the way just to give me life in this world. And I have my father that is like fens that is protecting me from harm that others can cause. He is the strongest fens that build in my life that protecting me all the time in every decision I make and every steps I take that fens will never be broken.

If I should have a boyfriend, I want it to be my T-shirt. Simple that fit to me. I want him to be a person that could be my daily journal that in every memories and challenges that I face, he is there and he will never leave me. A T-shirt that covers the real me but knows exactly who I am but still willingly to cover me. If I should have a boyfriend, I want him to be a clock. Every second, minute and hours we are connected because time is the precious gift that a man could give to his girl. What could be the use of all the effort if that man does not have time to give you? It was like cooking in the rice cooker that has no electricity. You are trying to cook because you are hungry but there is no electricity so all of your effort was gone and useless.

Boyfriend should not be look for, it will come in God’s time. I was raise in this world with a partner and I believe that I will meet him again in God’s will. If my partner will come I want him to be my gun, a soldier’s partner in life that always ready if someone will attempt to harm me. Men that will be my BDO, he will always find way to sustain my financial needs. If ever that man will come I will be the queen in my palace.

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